Saturday, October 2, 2010

Crowds 'Less Dense' For 'One Nation' Protest in D.C.

And that's according to the Associated Press:
More than 400 organizations - ranging from labor unions to faith, environmental and gay rights groups - partnered for the event, which comes one month after Beck packed the same space with conservatives and tea party-style activists.

Organizers claimed they had as many participants as Beck's rally. But Saturday's crowds were less dense and didn't reach as far to the edges as they did during Beck's rally. The National Park Service stopped providing official crowd estimates in the 1990s.
And here's a photo from one of my commenters, Colin, who notes, "I attended the rally from about 2-3pm, for an even that was supposed to run from noon-4." In other words, a sparsely attended event at what should be the peak hour of the rally:


And still, the denizens of the "reality-based community" have their heads in the sand.

And in related news, see Da Tech Guy, "
Two important comparisons between 9/12 and One Nation." And this: "One Nation Rally Respect for Our WWII Vets." And from Serr8d, "One Nation: Dirty Socialists, Union Thugs and Hippies gather and trash the Mall."

BONUS: At Doug Ross, "
15 Photos From the #OneNation Rally You'll Never See In Legacy Media."


Unknown said...

More coverage here: