Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sarah Palin Runs Unannounced Half-Marathon in Storm Lake, Iowa

Greta Van Susteren has a photo, "Governor Sarah Palin is running!"

And another one from Josh Hafner at Des Moines Register, "Sarah Palin runs unannounced in Iowa half-marathon." Palin stays in excellent shape. That's awesome.

And from Robin Abcarian at Los Angeles Times, "Sarah Palin runs half-marathon incognito in Iowa." RTWT. Palin registered under her maiden name, Sarah Heath.


Minicapt said...

This is a blatant personal attack at the President, and totally uncalled for. Now he'll have to play a round of golf AND an 3-3 scrub basketball game during the same afternoon, probably 08 Sep 11.


Skye said...

As a fellow runner - You go girl!

AmPowerBlog said...

You two are both hot!