Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jenn of the Jungle Smacks a 'Liberal'

She's smacking down a progressive really, but maybe she's not reading David Horowitz on the terminology.

In any case, see Jenn at The Political Jungle:
Really??? Do you even have a fucking clue who any of us are? NO. You squeal like a fucking twat on fire about Faux News and "indoctrination" all day long without a fucking clue.

Yeah I was "indoctrinated". By reality, eventually.

I'm from the SF Bay Area....I was a totally indoctrinated leftard. I fucking organized a march against the 1st "Iraq War" in high school. I NOW KNOW had we done the job then we could have saved thousands+ of lives....but I followed the leftist line. LEAVE NOW....let the flying spaghetti monster figure it out. THAT was what the MSM told us then...I notice they totally do NOT say that now in regard to say....LIBYA.

My friends were black, brown, tan, yellow and every color in doesn't change the fact that criminal invaders are scum sucking racist fucks and blacks, oh and I mean NIGGERS are fucking running wild in this country now that their lord and savior is "president". Look at the fucking news asshole...riots in the streets endless shootings, rapes, lies, massive property destruction....ignorant blacks seem to think that they have no rule of law now. I can't MAKE this up. It's FACT. Look at the tiny little microcosm of just the 4th of July weekend. WHO shot police, their own and who rioted in the streets and ran like ANIMALS.

I look at the state of the California educational system and see we are burdened not just by anchor babies but we are LITERALLY educating MEXICANS every day by the THOUSANDS. WHY????
It goes on like that, at the link. If you're looking for no holds barred commentary, well, there you go ...


Dennis said...

It does take a while when you mature enough to move from the Leftist "Dark Side" into the light of reality to lose the anger that is so indicative of the Left. As one matures one recognizes that anger solves nothing.
I can relate to her desire to put this Leftist in his place. What she is true.
It is very hard not to respond back to poor argumentation built on nothing but name calling, lies, intolerance and bigotry without jumping into the gutter with a LIB. Remember a LIB is only living up to their definition of Lying Intolerant Bigots and should be ridiculed and and treated like the children that they are. As most of us grew up to be adults who use our intellectual capacity, not our emotions, to solve problems we have to recognize that eventually a lot of LIBs will move away from childish things. Our obligation is to keep the damage they do to as little as possible until they make that move from the "Dark Side."