Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stephanie M. Baran: 'White Privilege' Speaker Pushes #Marxism to Defeat Racism in America

At Progs Today, "CAUGHT ON TAPE: WPC14 Speaker Promotes Marxism As a Way to Defeat Racism in America (Video)."

She calls for a "full-scale revolution" as the "only way" to beat racism.

Oh brother. This chick's a bleedin' loon, a "fun person, adjunct, Ph.D candidate, fiery intersectional feminist, marxist, cat/animal lover, vegetarian" (via Twitter).

Stephanie Baran photo 2VEpcDk0_zpsd15ab490.jpeg

And she's got a publication apparently based on her Master's thesis from DePaul University, "Parsing White Supremacy: An Exploratory Study of Political Thought and Beliefs." (Unimpressive. She's dredging up and recycling some really old political science research there, on "symbolic racism," for example.)

I would just love --- love! --- for this shrinking Marxist violet to go face-to-face with Kurt Schlichter. Man would that be delicious.

PREVIOUSLY: "Harvard's Kennedy School Adds 'Checking Your Privilege 101' to New Student Orientation."

BONUS: She blogs at Feministing?

Oh my goodness. Robert Stacy McCain would make Marxist mincemeat out of her, lol. See, "Feminism: Love as Oppression and Heterosexuality as Subordination."