Friday, August 13, 2010

Charles Krauthammer Demonization at Firedoglake

Jane Hamsher's Henchmen going after Charles Krauthammer.


Jane Hamsher

* "Krauthammer is a bigot? Who would’ve thunk it?"

* "Krauthammer Krauthummer’s picture is great, looks just like a creature out of Outer Limits with their heads all swollen with their brains. But in Krauthummers case his head is swollen with Bigotry/Bullshit!"

* "we reap what we sow.

instead of calling ignorant piece of shit fucks like krauthammer ignorant piece of shit fucks, we obfuscate and twiddle and twaddle and twitter … and sternly wag our fingers…

and they blather on with too much silence and too little scorn.

to hell with civility with people like this.


* "
Charles Krauthammer should be in prison."

* "
There is some guilt in Krauthammer’s family tree somewhere. He’s totally unhinged whenever he speaks of Muslims vs Jews. It’s more than the normal right wing apology tour."

* "
there is no comparison between Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the AL Qaeda attack on Twin Towers. Japan is a country, AlQaeda is a terrorist group it represents a few extremists and is not a reflection of the muslim community. Islam is a worldwide religion and in the US the right to practice one’s religion is in the constitution and is not debatable. The center needs to be built just like St. Patrick’s cathedral etc…"

* "
Krauthammer’s thinking is as twisted and crippled as his body, eh? Perhaps there is a god."

* "
I wish some prominent Jews would stop playing the victim card at the drop of a hat. It’s really getting old."

* "
This discussion tells me why we are becoming more and more ignored in today’s discourse.

There is a legitimate point of view that is different than ours. The placement of the cultural centeral is a political statement. If it were purely religious, they would take up the offer from Governor Patterson and put the site elsewhere in Manhattan.

If it were purely for reconcilement they would offer to live up to American mores, including a complete acceptance of our LGBT crowd and full and complete equality for women. And they would be a lot more outspoken about the prolems that Islam has caused.

It is spurposefl stick in the eye, and being against it is not simply a bigoted response

"[In response] You offer no sound reasoning, just rants.

It’s not a “political statement” — they don’t have to put it “elsewhere” because you say it’s offensive — and it’s not a “stick in the eye” just because you say it is.

The fact that you view it as such says more about you than about them.

The Catholic Church and Mormons and Orthodox Jews are also intolerant of LGBTs and don’t offer equality for women.

Should we ban them from Lower Manhattan as well? Should we tear down the Mosque at the Pentagon?

* "
This whole issue is ugly, nasty, racist, bigoted and intolerant, plus stupid. I think I’ve pretty much described any conservative who agrees with Krauthammer. Their attitudes are unconstitutional, btw.

I’m offended on behalf of my many friends and acquaintances who happen to be Muslims. It’s despicable to lump them all into one big grouping and assign some special blame to them.

I agree with a prior post. I’m getting tired of being “polite” about such bigoted crap. The whole argument is b.s. and petty and reflects the rightwing’s desire to pit “small” people against one another to distract the “small” people from the real issues of the day, which is that we’re being massively ripped off the by banksters on Wall ST, amongst other billionaires
Today's "professional left," on display.


Right Truth said...

How terrible. I suppose we must consider the source, but there is no excuse to use his physical condition against him when they do not agree with his political commentary. Are they so afraid of him they must attack him that way? The man is lucky to be alive.

Right Truth

Bartender Cabbie said...

Nuts. Do they not realize that the vast majority of Americans find them really nothing more than silly

LFC said...

The line "Krauthaummer is a bigot? Who would've thunk it?" is from a comment on the FDL post, not from the FDL post itself. I read the brief FDL post and tend to agree with it. The analogies Krauthaummer is drawing are very wide of the mark.

Murgatroyd said...

Do they not realize that the vast majority of Americans find them really nothing more than
stupid and contemptible?

Fixed it for ya ...

Greybeard said...

Krauthammer's comments "very wide of the mark?"
Which analogies are "wide", LFC?
I have an Uncle buried at Pearl Harbor and would be furious if the Japanese tried to build a tribute to their aviators there.

Carolyn said...

LFC: The FDL post says, "Also, note the conflation of Islam with a nationality, as though American Muslims—who also died on 9/11—are somehow foreign, and therefore, it’s 'provocative' for them to practice their religion in the US’s largest city."

That's just dopey. Krauthammer knows that there are many, many mosques in NYC in which Muslims, both American and foreign, practice their religion. He's not objecting to THOSE mosques. FDL wants to MAKE Krauthammer seem bigoted by suggesting that he doesn't want Muslims to practice their religion anywhere in NYC. Haters.

As for conflating religion with nationality, I think that FDL is grasping at straws. The 9/11 terrorists were part of a politico-religious organization, sort of like Nazism or the emperor-worshiping Imperial Japanese.

Even though today's Germans and Japanese bear little resemblance to followers of those movements, placing cultural reminders of long-ago slaughters at the site of a slaughter would be unthinkable to modern Germans or Japanese. Though some American neo-Nazis might consider something like a Nazi cultural center at a WWII concentration camp. Just to be provocative.

Though most Muslims are not terrorists, Muslim doctrine calls for the eventual conversion of the entire world to Islam, or at least subjugation of non-Muslims. Which is sort of "imperialist" if accomplished through violence. The Muslims killed, along with others, on 9/11 were killed in the name of Islam. People don't want reminders of this at the site of the slaughter. Why is that hard for the folks at FDL to understand?

Here's a piece by a British "bigot" on the same subject. I wonder if the FDL crowd could put their prejudices aside long enough to finish reading the piece?

John Skaife said...

The conniptions that have resulted from Krauthammer's analogy make me laugh. It's a good analogy.

Vik Rubenfeld said...

Look at all the insults in the Firedoglake post. Libs use insults to shut down public debate, because they know public debate works to reveal the truth.

Mike aka Proof said...

They have to attack his character and his person. There's no way they could possibly defeat his arguments!

Jamie said...

I love when people say things like that last commenter: "I'm offended on behalf of my friends who happen to be Muslim." What tortured construction... It makes me wonder about such a person's friends who "happen to be" Jews, or such a person's friends who "happen to have been" widowed or orphaned by 9-11: is this person temporarily un-offended on their behalf? Or temporarily not friends with them? Or what?

LFC, aren't all of these things comments from the original post? Hence the "Henchmen"? The point is that, as usual, bigotry and intolerance (toward and of, in this instance, Jews and the disabled) on the Left is excused BY the Left as long as the victim is on the Right.

paul a'barge said...

Hey, what are those ugly bags of flesh on the sides of Hamscher's face? Euuuwwww!

wuzzagrunt said...

Translation: "Look how well we grovel. Please kill us last.".

Diggs said...

Ah, the Professional Left. Everything professional about them has left.

MassJim said...

I have long been a fan of Charles Krauthammer. He is one of the smartest people commenting today on issues of importance. When he speaks I listen to what he has to say even on those occasions when I may disagree with him. To dismiss him offhand is foolish. To make obscene comments on his physical condition is disgusting, but sadly I have come to expect nothing else from the left.

Melanerpes said...

Comments from the "now" people?

jeff said...

Turning to invective is what you do when you can't compete intellectually. So nothing new here.

Anonymous said...

Analogies off target? The Auschwitz one was absolutely on target. Except the nuns wanted to build there to show contrition and pray for those who died. The imam in question has made statements arguing that America had it coming, so the nuns were in a more legitimate position -- yet the church told them to build elsewhere, out of respect for the victims.

Jaded said...

Well the un-Professional Left had their time in the sun and Americans REJECT them and their HATE! I look forward to MANY, MANY decades of intelligence from my fellow Americans before they "forget" again how disgusting and pathetic the left in America TRULY are!

Peg C. said...

The Left are depraved, pure and simple. The ugliness inside them makes normal people want to retch.

Carolyn said...

As Iowahawk illustrates, the Cordoba House could dramatically increase the need for more professionals on the Professional Left.