Saturday, August 21, 2010

Right. Right. They're Moderate Muslims. Got It...

Folks apparently have the goods on Imam Rauf (as if we didn't already). See, "Unmosqued: Steve Emerson Unearths Tapes of 'Moderate Bridge-Building' Imam Rauf" (via Memeorandum). The dude's down with Wahhabism (Islam's al Qaeda brand), Israel extermination, and 9/11, but hey, no need to quibble over the details:
Obama and the MFM staked the entirety of their credibility and judgment on the assertion that this was a moderate man interested only in peace, and of course in no way a supporter of terrorism, and anyone who suspected otherwise was an ignorant bigot with a heart full of hatred.

So let's see. Let's see.

Let's see whose judgment was sound and whose judgment was really full of ignorance and hatred -- hatred for the concerns of their fellow Americans.

CONTENT WARNING (Bare Naked Islam):

RELATED: At Political Byline, "The Classless Left: Exhibit S for Stupid" (on John Cole, whose blog Balloon Juice is the new sponsoring home for failed intimidation blogger E.D. Kain.)


Opus #6 said...

Odd coincidence that the Wahabbis are the exact ones who flew the planes into the towers. Such a small world, eh?

Diamond Mair said...

I just shake my head at a "culture" that encourages children to behead others - theirs is a "culture" the same way bacteria are, and I'm thinking it's past time for high doses of antibiotics ...........................

Semper Fi'

Anonymous said...

The only muzlimz that are moderate are the muzlimz that have not blown you up with an IED.
All I will ever need to learn about islam was learned on 911.
another day to live in infamy.

Phantom Blog said...

Fun Fact: Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf is on his 4th US State Dept. sponsored trip to Middle East. First 2 were in 2007:

Jeff said...

The United States vehemently investigates, prosecutes, and takes all of the property and assets it can find away from the KKK, yet we have sold our souls to the Muslim Murders for their dollars. Wake up America...It's our own corporations that are forcing these Murders down our throats.