Polls have shown that Teabaggers are lilly white and well off. They’re not the people getting kicked out of their houses by the banksters. They’re not unemployed. They’re not bearing the brunt of the Great Recession. They’re just doing what they do when Democrats are in charge. Obama’s death panels and FEMA camps have replaced Clinton’s black helicopters.Interesting.
And of course, the fact that this president’s middle name is Hussein and he’sMuslim andblack, well, that’s just a few extra scoops of nuts on the wingnut sundae.
The Washington Post just reported the other day on the virtually non-existent expressions of racism at the tea parties, but leftists ignore the facts, since they have nothing but hypocrisy and lies.
And on a more personal level is the evidence from my own reporting this weekend. I attended two major party rallies, and I posted two reports: "President Bill Clinton in the O.C. — Stumps for Loretta Sanchez, Blames George W. Bush for Economic Crisis," and "Sarah Palin Rallies GOP at 'Victory 2010' in Anaheim."
And we therefore have two roughly identical crowd photographs we can use for comparative purposes:
And checking the bottom photo from the Palin rally above, is that an "overwhelmingly white" crowd? Perhaps. But not so much more "white" than those gathered to hear Bill Clinton speak. And not shown at the GOP rally are the Latino couples standing next to me (out of the picture), or the Vietnamese-American activists supporting Van Tran. Here's another shot as well, taken a little earlier, showing some more folks of diverse backgrounds.
And what would be the response from a leftist to this argument? Well, they'd count the black and brown faces and decry the RAAAAACISM!!. Of course, only the GOP rally would be RAAAAACIST!! Meanwhile, there are 14 black conservative congressional candidates running for election around the country, but they're all Republicans so the MFM is conveniently ignoring them amid its constant whining about the party being "overwhelmingly white."
Everybody knows that RAAAAACISM!! is all the Dems have left. But that card's all played out. People just need to look around. We're all Americans. We have different philosophies on the role of government in society. One key difference among Republicans is they seek a color-blind America, not one divided along lines of racial tribalism. Or as Chief Justice John Roberts has argued: "The way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race."
So, when blacks gave Barack Obama 95% of their votes, that was racist, too?
I think that on the weekend the usually left-leaning memeorandum dudes let it all hang out and post the most insane leftoid efftard posts they can scour off the walls of the septic tank.
How many black readers does Mother Jones have?
That was just slavery. As expected from the Democrat party. Nothing is new here people.
Those were only token minorities at the tea parties....Uncle Toms if I may..:)
The Clinton rally was in downtown Santa Ana next to the behemoth county, state and federal government complex. The lilly white crowd was most likely your tax dollars at work.
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