Monday, September 5, 2011

President Zero SCOAMF

I was about to look up SCOAMF, but readers supplied encyclopedic linkage at the post.

See The Other McCain: "SCOAMF Nation."

And Dan Collins is looking good!


PREVIOUSLY: "President Zero."

Image Credit.


lagibby said...


Dennis said...

Remember when not too long ago it was one of the worst things a person could do was to challenge the "One." The "race card" was used to enforce S.T.F.U. on any and all those who had the temerity to think that Obama was not the second "Coming."
Comedians quaked and trembled in their boots. It was interesting to find that these outspoken posers were such cowards. No one dared to even tell a joke that might be twisted into an "ist" comment.
The only problem is that when the dam broke it was going to be a deluge. Now the "One" is made fun of by both Leftists and Conservatives and the "race card" has no value and in some quarters getting it played from by race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, et al is a badge of honor.
I would posit that it is even going to get worse as both sides recognize how truly incompetent Obama is as a leader. Even the terminally dumb will figure out there is only so much money that can be stolen from others before the well runs dry and one cannot keep trying to fill it with water that is getting to be less and less capable of meeting the requirements water is supposed to meet..