Tuesday, October 13, 2009

'Keep America Safe' - Obama's Rhetoric Doesn't Match Reality

Here's the awesome new ad spot from Liz Cheney's PAC, Keep America Safe:

Killer viddy! And check out the home page. This is like neocon nirvanna! Palin-Cheney 2012!

Hat Tip: The Politico, "
Liz Cheney's group 'Keep America Safe' Takes on 'Radical' White House" (via Memeorandum).


file_under_hostility said...

Palin-Cheney 2012? Are you joking? This goes beyond logic. I'm guessing you have stock in Halliburton.

.agoraphobian dreamscape said...

yeah theonly way to keep us safe is with fucking missles, drones, secret prisons and fucking torture; even though scientific studies concluded that torture is completely fucking unreliable.. imsure you dont give a fuck about science; probably like you actually dont give a fuck about americas safety because you think you can approach the issue from a military standpoint and jst kill everyone who opposes us, well guess what motherfucker thats not really plausible until we nuke 99%percent ofthe fucking planet.. and whydoes everyone hate us? because of clueless imbeciles suchas yourself..(at least the rest of us can sit back and laugh at you)

Dave said...

"I'm guessing you have stock in Halliburton."

Last time I checked, commie puke, so did your Marxist hero Michael Moore.


Dave said...


We tried the appeasement route under Carter and Clinton. Under the latter, this country, or its interests, were attacked 5 times.

Since 9/11, we have been attacked exactly 0 times.

Now we are back to appeasement.

It's only a matter of time now.
