Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Message From Conservatives

The image is from Another Black Conservative, "Newt Gingrich “Shrugs Off” Conservatives' Concerns and Endorses RINO Dede Scozzafava" (via Memeorandum):

The GOP is clearly banking on people electing their crummy candidates just to get away from the crummier Democrats currently infesting Washington. This is where conservatives must give the GOP a very hard bitch slap and reject their awful RINO candidates in every primary.
And don't miss Doug Hoffman's special guest post at Michelle Malkin's, "It’s Time for Conservatives to Show the Republican Establishment Who’s in Charge."


Tom the Redhunter said...

Well, I don't think it's quite as simple as "RINO's v Conservatives"

How electable is Doug Hoffman? And how bad exactly is Dede Scozzafava?

More, how liberal or conservative is the electoral district? What is it's voting history and what does the polling show? How realistic is it to expect that a hard conservative could be elected?

In other words, if we toss Scozzafava, are we handing the seat to the Democrats?

There are circumstances whereby a Republican is so bad that a Democrat may as well hold the seat. The case of Sen Lowell Weicker in Connecticut comes to mind. He was defeated in 1980 by Joe Lieberman with the help of no less a conservative than William F. Buckley Jr.

Arlen Specter is another case. He wasn't worth trying to save.

But that last thing the GOP needs are "purity police" who toss anyone who doesn't strictly adhere to the hard-core conservative line. We must recognize that there are areas of the country that aren't going to elect a hard-core conservative no matter how good the candidate and how well the campaign is run.

What we need to do is elect the most conservative candidate that the electoral district in question will support. Sometimes this will be a very conservative person, but sometimes it will only be a moderate.

AmPowerBlog said...

Scozzafava's really bad, Tom. I wrote about her yesterday.

Brian Macker said...

Hoffman is just as bad because he puts his irrational hatred of gays before economic sanity. When to his web page and his main message was hatred of gays.

This is why the republican party never actually gets any traction on actually acting like economic libertarians. Conservatives are too busy intruding into peoples bedrooms and personal choices like abortion.

Try minding your own business and maybe you could form a larger tent on the economic issues.

smitty1e said...

Kn@ppster has an interesting take on matters.

Mark Harvey said...

Gingrich. Asshat. Always has been and always will be.

Dave said...

What a shitty predicament for true conservatives.

It's too late to form a third party, unless we want a certain Harry Belafonte song to be our next national anthem.

If we put up a cast of RINOs, as happened last November, we are going to get creamed thirteen months hence.

This positively sucks.
