Thursday, October 7, 2010

Larry Sabato on the 'Unwisely Chosen' Party Nominations

It's an interesting piece, but mainly from a political science perspective. Supporters for Christine O'Donnell, for example, won't love Sabato's statement that "you cannot find many election analysts who believe she will be in the winner’s circle, while moderate Congressman Michael Castle (R) would have defeated Democratic nominee Chris Coons handily to gain a Senate seat for the GOP."

Sabato breaks down some individual contests around the country. I like
his discussion of California.
Jerry Brown was a strange choice to be the Democratic nominee for Governor of California in an anti-establishment year. This lifelong politician and former two-term Governor is a throwback to the 1970s and a very different time in the Golden State. The truth is that few promising, fresh candidates even considered a candidacy to run this massively troubled state, and in the end Brown was virtually unopposed for the Democratic nomination. If anyone who might be in charge of California’s hopeless budget and paralyzed governmental system could be called lucky, Brown is fortunate to be running in a state that is now so deeply Blue that this intrinsic partisan advantage may get him elected over Republican Meg Whitman. Yet Whitman is pulling out all the stops, having spent over $119 million of her own money on the campaign, more than any political self-funder in American history. For Whitman, a campaign fundraiser is lunch with her accountant.

Actually, Whitman's spent over $140 million. But who's counting?


Cargosquid said...

Yeah, but Castle would not have been an improvement over Coons. Now, if Coons wins, and votes with Obama, we can blame the right party. If Castle had won, and voted with Obama, the GOP would get the blame and the Dems would have gotten cover for their socialist bills. "See, its BI-PARTISAN!"