"LiberalsLeftists: your moral and intellectual superiors! — Columbia prof, Palin hater and HuffPo blogger charged with incest involving 24-year-old daughter."
Where's the LGM academic decency brigade! This is an emergency!
404 error at Epstein's Columbia University bio-page, but the Department's faculty information page is still available (Screencap here.)
Elie Mystal at Above the Law is totally grossed out, "Columbia Poly Sci Professor Accused of Diddling His Daughter."
And at Gather, "Columbia Professor David Epstein Busted Following Three-Year Relationship With Daughter":
In Ivy League incest news, Columbia University professor David Epstein was arrested today on charges of incest in the third degree after it was revealed he and his now 24-year old daughter had a "consensual" three year relationship.According to gantdaily.com, Epstein was actually quite well-liked at Columbia, and had a fairly prestigious and well respected career. It's always the ones you least suspect, right?
Epstein had authored several books, written pieces for The Huffington Post, and had previously acted as a political analyst for CBS!
Epstein was set to teach two classes this semester at Columbia; "Scope and Methods," and "Research Topics and Game Theory" ....
Sources say that Epstein's incestual [sic] relationship with his daughter began after some serious "sexting," which is somehow almost creepier than actually committing the act.
Esptein has taken a leave of absence and faces four years in prison if convicted.
Added: Robert Stacy McCain has more: "Palin-Hating Columbia Professor, Huffington Post Blogger, Busted for Incest."
And now an Instalanche!
Wow that's just wrong. How long before you get attacked for this one? I'm sure they can figure out some way to pin this one on Bush43.
My pick for most ironic Epstein article from his perch at Huffington Post: "It's the Betrayal of Trust, Stupid." About waterboarding.
Oh come now. The poor guy is innocent until proven guilty. But....
Hey, it's his, and apparently her, sexual preference. You're not going to be incestuphobics, are you? They're just thirty years ahead of their time. I'll bet you disapprove of sex with animals and pony fetishists, too.
I hear he ended the relationship after his horse found out but his pigs squealed on him to the police.
Columbus wants his name back, Columbia.
Well, soon after we legalize same sex marriages we'll be ordered to recognize poly-whateverthefuck marriages, beastiality, and sure, incest.
It's the ME generation of the 1960s having its last hurrah. We'll get back to something normal after they all die out.
But, in the meantime, ugh.
I was going to say that an Ivy League professor banging his own kid fits into the Demonrat mold, but then I reconsidered when I saw that he was sleeping with his DAUGHTER!
That which is immoral should not necessarily be illegal. What a waste of somebody's tax dollars.
This maybe wrong in moral terms, but I don't understand why its illegal? It was a consensual relationship and you may not like it, but what right does the government have to arrest someone because of what they do in their bedroom? It reeks of religious puritanism leftovers.
So the dude gets arrested for what the British Royals have been doing for centuries? We go goo goo for the British Royals and toss this guy in prison.
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