Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Frontline: 'Obama's War'

Airing tonight a 9:00pm. A review of the program is here: "Situation Report: The Dilemma of Afghanistan."


.agoraphobian dreamscape said...

are you beatingoff to this like your babeblogs; bythe way who the fuck decided 'breast blogging' was a good idea? ifsomeone actually searched for that would you really want them looking at your blog, how would god feel about that..

.agoraphobian dreamscape said...

furthermore: http://www.funny-potato.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/sarah-palin-picture.jpg

richard mcenroe said...

Sheeeeoot, son, if they click on my site with one hand, I don't care what they're doing with the other.

Call it the Andy Sullivan Strategem...

Anonymous said...

Press formula for a successful, seemingly objective "anti-war" news piece (and a shot at a Pulitzer):

1) Show some American GI getting killed. Wait around long enough in the combat zone and it's bound to happen.

2) Narrate long and hard on how evasive the enemy is, how frustrated and hopeless the US soldiers are, and other reasons why the war is impossible to win.

3) Show the US leadership in a mocking fashion (but don't make it too obvious).

4) Above all, don't ever get self-conscious about your manipulations and deceptions. Remember - if Obama can get a Nobel Prize just for showing up, anything is possible.

I remember, back in the day, when the journalist pundits were saying these same things about Iraq. Back then, one of my schticks was to claim that we ought to withdraw from the Beltway - gun crime in DC was such that we were having more Americans killed in the nation's capital due to firearms than in Baghdad (or all of Iraq, for that matter), that the DC criminals were an elusive enemy that refused stand-up fights with the Capitol Police, that after decades of this sporadic warfare no end was in sight, and so therefore our position in DC was untenable and we should withdraw all the US personnel stationed there to some other place.

If pressed, I would suggest the ocean floor. It's supposed to be peaceful down there. I suggested we move all the Democrats down there first, and see if that improved matters any.

Those were heady days.

Dennis said...

Nugatory explains a couple of recent posters.