Friday, December 17, 2010

What's the Biggest Threat to Free Speech?

The biggest threat?

Progressives — and the hypocritical television bloviators who enable them, like Andy Levy, first here at the clip. And you gotta love it. He announces famously: "I believe the right to free speech is the right to be an asshole. I believe what made this country great is ... assholes":

Yeah. Right.

And that's why on December 8th Andy Levy took to Twitter to attack me — wait for it! — as an asshole! I'm sure there's some profound irony there somewhere, but at the moment it escapes. Or, well, perhaps it's that Andy Levy just proved himself to be an epic asshole.



Anonymous said...

The biggest threat to free speech is people thinking it means their right to free speech is threatened if somebody doesn't agree with them.

JBW said...

Well said, Anon: tell that to Sarah Palin.

Sounds to me like he was complimenting you, Don. I know that's how I mean it when I label you thus.

Nobody has a right not to be offended, even thin-skinned (did you ever think that I'd use the word "thin" to describe you?) perpetual wannabe victims like yourself and Palin.

AmPowerBlog said...

You're thick, JBW.

It's the hypocrisy, duh. Call me an asshole all you want.

JBW said...

Hey, I'm an asshole too. But you're thicker, of course. Happy holidays! Just kidding, just kidding, I know you guys hate that. Happy Ramadan!