Hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Led up garden paths and into blind alleys
Hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Listen here.
Same situation here:
I'm no "birther," but on this, Andrew McCarthy speaks for me, "Suborned in the U.S.A.: The Birth-Certificate Controversy is About Obama’s Honesty, Not Where He Was Born."
There's nothing racist about this advertisement, but to the radical left, that's raaacist!!!
Scared Monkeys isn't buying it, "Three Monkeys Racist ... More Foolishness from the Liberal LEFT ... Obama Ad with Racial Undertones, GET REAL!"
Actually, it's the Radical LEFT, but who's to quibble.
The fact is, with Barack Obama we've been lied to, threatened, cheated, and decieved, but the left wants you to Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing. And that's change you can believe in!
Oh I see Don, so now discussing monkeys in the same breath as a black man isn't racist. Interesting, because a few months ago you were crying like you were Jesse Jackson needing a diaper change.
That's OK though, your hypocrisy about race is just as entertaining as your hypocrisy about government spending. And I'm still laughing.
There's that idiot JBW again. Doesn't this turd floater have anything else to do besides making himself look like a total ass?
The poor ass.
By he way, most excellent article! Remember the List of 45? I have it in my "articles list" on my blog.
Remember all those libtards pronouncing GWB as a monkey and we have the fools disparaging here?
Idiot libtards.
The class exhibited by your regular right-wing commenters is truly telling, Don. Almost makes me nostalgic for our girl Grace Explosion and her grand conservative exodus plan; at least she was entertaining. Are these the results you were talking about?
If you need any help with the bigger words you just let me know, SR.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! Poor widdle wibtard.
Bigger words composed predominantly of the same letter don't count, cupcake.
funny thing is discharge's music has radical left views that blatantly contradicts all of your views. oh irony is a funny thing.
No JBW, you inferred I was a monkey, this ad does not ...
Wolf Pack ...
Discharge is anti-authoritarian, and the shoe fits perfectly with Obama's lies. You kinda left that part out. Nice try though.
Once this is proved or disproved then what do we as a country gain out of it? The same infrastructure will be in place behind a, and this scares me more, president Biden or if the administration goes under does this leave us with a much worse choice.
I guess my question is what does the end game look like after all of this happens?
Right now Obama is doing his best to destroy himself and the democrats.
Yes. That's the question. How much lasting damage are these imbeciles going to do before they're swept out??
No Don, I made a joke about you fighting a monkey; I had no idea what your ethnicity was at the time. You just reflexively jumped to that conclusion like a whiny minority victim. It's par for the course with your Republican persecution complex. No wonder you like Palin so much.
Perfect leftist denialism, JBW. Stupidity too, given my picture at the profile. Nothing new for you, in any case, and really horrible that you'd use a monkey-slur to attack like that.
No class ...
So what, you're saying that as someone of mixed race that everyone should automatically just assume that you're a black guy after looking at a 2x2 inch thumbnail? That you deserve to be racially profiled based on your Blogspot one? Victim, victim, victim; poor me, poor me, poor me.
You were losing an interblog debate, I knew it, your readers knew it and you knew it so you grabbed onto an innocuous comment meant as humor and went all PC minority victim to whine your way out of it. And you're still crying about it.
You truly are the wingnut blogosphere's Jesse Jackson wannabe, Don.
"You truly are the wingnut blogosphere's Jesse Jackson wannabe, Don."
That's brilliant, JBW.
And uh, actually, you're rehashing a really REALLY old debate, one in which "everyone" means Repsac3 and his merry horde of nihilist. Hey, that's some real backing there, JBW.
Look, if you want to go back and make yourself look like a freaky fool bloody wanker, fine by me.
Naturally, your play is to totally change the subject when you're absolutely p'wned. Penetrating analysis on those massive Bush deficits, by the way. Man, can't touch that! You're kind of forgetting that bit of idiocy pretty fast, no.
Give it up, JBW. You're getting lazy and fat on chicken fried steaks and beer. A wimp, in fact. This "old man" is whoopin' yo' ass, son.
This thread is done, JBW. If you troll and abuse further, you may be deleted ...
As always, your connection to what the rest of us call reality is tenuous at best, Don. A graph from Heritage and McCain's racist ass; well played. Way to counter my nihilistic hordes.
And I think I'll have a few more steaks (thanks for reading!) and brews before I take advice from a guy with this kind of impressive physique. Is losing the ability to view one's genitalia without a mirror as traumatic as I've heard? I hope not, for your sake.
So now of course my wimpy fingers are all aquiver as I type these next words: you wanna ban me, Don? Go right ahead, old man. There are plenty of puffed-chest fossils I can spend my time laughing at; I've given you that distinction thus far merely because you sought me out first.
Just say the word and I'll disappear faster than your waistline. Now this thread is done.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
As usual you miss the point of the advertisement. The media, congress and courts do not want to adress the eral Constitutional legal question about Obama. The conspiracy theory about WHERE he was born obscures the REAL LEGAL issue. That issue is the FACT that due to Obama's father being a Kenyan citizen (not American) at the time Obama 2 was born. Obama has admitted at Fight the Smears that at birth his citizenship was "governed " by Britain (Kenya was a colony in 1961).
(Look under the big Green COLB Billboard, under Factcheck.).
I don't know where Obama was born. Who says that a biased, unsworn website posting is proof of anything? In which court? He could have been born in the White House, but the fact that he was admittedly a DUAL CITIZEN at BIRTH negates the possibility that he is a Natural Born Citizen, as required by Article2 Section 1 Clause 5 of the USC. Obama, a Constitutional Scholar, knows this. He also knows that McCain, being born in Colon, Panama is not a Natural Born Citizen either. Natural Born Citizens are born in the US of 2 Citizen Parents.
Oh, Mick... I love you Birthers! You're one of the reasons Obama is going to be reelected, despite Don's desperate prognostications. Keep it up (he's on your team, Don).
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