Adds Betsy:
So we have proven results, happy students and parents, and saving money. What to do with such a program? Well, the Democrats want to close it down. Can't have a vouchers program showing success right there in the nation's capital. That might ruin the whole argument of the teachers unions against anything that allows children to escape the regular public schools when those schools are failing so miserably.
School vouchers smell too much like freedom, and that is verboten in the new statist Amerika that Obama is building.
No, I disagree. I'm willing to give school vouchers a listen.
Obama should be commended for standing up against this socialist program.
Thanks Philippe! We are fine!
Sirius Lunacy, are you indeed serious? How is the voucher program "socialist?" The program takes the place of Federal funds that would otherwise have gone to the UNIONIZED (read "socialist") public schools! Instead, the vouchers provide for students to attend a private school of their parents' choosing. This is called "free choice," not "socialism," where one doesn't have a choice. The blog owner can correct me if I'm mistaken, but that's my understanding of the voucher program. Nine out of ten independent studies have shown the efficacy of the voucher program. Why in the world would anyone change WHAT IS WORKING?
Already answered above - because there aren't UNIONS involved!
McCain's campaign platform, with regard to education, touted the voucher program for all students, not just those in D.C. That single campaign promise moved four Democrats, not including me, over to the Republican camp. I hope Michael Steele is paying attention.
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