Friday, April 8, 2011

GOP Threatens Shutdown Over Planned Parenthood

And I'm glad.

The New York Times is spinning the debate as a "non-budget" issue, but $75 million or $75 billion, it's public funding and more power to the Republicans calling out Dems on government-sponsored death to the unborn. And quoted there is former welfare recipient Patty Murray:

“I am really stunned, and I am angry as a woman,” said Senator Patty Murray, Democrat of Washington, “that we have come to this after weeks of negotiating on numbers, where we have in principle an agreement on numbers, that there are those in the Republican Party in the House who are willing to shut down the government, take people’s paychecks away from them, because they want to deny women access to health care in this country.”
"Health care."

That's a nice rhetorical trick. Planned Parenthood is a death mill. Ground zero for the enormity of progressive pro-abortion evil. And leftists are manning (or womanning) the barricades on this one, since they know that abortion is to social policy as unions are to economics: Lose there and the Democrat-socialist-anti-life-coalition takes a knockout blow, with repercussions all the way up the electoral ladder (think President Barack "Infanticide" Obama).

Also, at Wall Street Journal, "Abortion Returns to Center Stage."


Anonymous said...

Now is the time to stand strong. Call your congressfolks, MELT THE PHONES. We will have to stand fast, because the media will again do all it can to bring us down. NPR was in full b*llsh*t mode this morning.

Anonymous said...

Eve's Sisterhood will never stop eating Pope Pelosi's Social Justice Apple; it is the only Life the Sisterhood has lived.

Phocion said...

Because money is fungible, Planned Parenthood gives a lot of this money right back to Democrats. Not unlike the automatic withdrawal of union dues which are just another source of forced donations to the Democrats.
It should not surprise too many people that the Dems would put a high priority on this issue. There is little that the Dems care about that does not have to do with taking money out of taxpayers pockets to fund themselves.
This is not even to mention that this issue is NOT in the federal government's bailiwick.
One should consider that this is economic warfare being fought against the taxpayers of this country and that one needs to fight back and attempt to bankrupt those who would bankrupt us for "hope and change" by transitioning us to that great political system in the sky the Left has in mind for us. Does anyone know what this utopian political system is suppose to look like? I suspect that if most people knew they would not like it.