Monday, April 11, 2011

'Most feminists are feminists because they are marginalized from society to begin with by virtue of being women who aren't attractive'

I've been away from the gender wars for some time, but this shouldn't be missed: "FemCunts."
Jill Filipovic (woman-lawyer hot, manhattanite, woman-lawyer) who blogs for Feministe followed a pingback to my boyfriend’s blog post “Feminism is a Crazy Girlfriend” and tweeted it in mock disbelief. Kate Harding*, a fellow feminist writer who focuses on fat and body issues re-tweeted it [and then] a throng of manginas and single, cat women flocked to the post. I find it amusing that of the three that commented, one is a bearded, beta-male mangina posing with a natural, floral backdrop and the other calls herself “vegina” – a vegan, feminist, academic activist. Fuck.
Man, I'm off my game! This stuff is gold. I'm forwarding to Robert Stacy McCain, who also needs to brush up on his repertoire!

RTWT for the background to the quote at the title. There's something to this attraction hypothesis, but I'd like to see the hard data.


Phocion said...

Ugliness does not just stop at the skin level it goes all the way down. It is true that large numbers of feminists are not the nicest looking women, and I use the term lightly, the world, but one needs to recognize that that lack of an attractive persona acts like a disease that infects the whole body. An ugliness of character just exudes from them.
It should not surprise anyone that their signiture religious tenet is abortion. If one looked and thought like feminists would one not think that abortion is a concept to be extoled.

Aaron said...

pretty sure you won't find hard data on that! but here's something close:

play "spot the hot chick." there are like 1 or 2, but mostly they're not.

then name someone at the hotness level of, say, kim kardashian who is a feminist. the fame level? oh yes! lady gaga (whether or not she has explicitly called herself a feminist, we cannot deny that he message is very feminist) - but she's such a dog people have accused her of being a tranny.

sofia said...

As I said to a feminist in the comments section in another post, and on twitter, if you look at the Feministing or Feministe roster, they are all completely unattractive. On Feministe, Jill Filipobitch (the one who tweeted the links to mine and my boyfriend's blog in hopes of inciting an angry storm of pitchfork wielding village folk) is objectively hot, but only because she's a lawyer. Her feminist perogative arises from her high-testosterone ambition not any kind of ugliness.

If you were truly taking a completely AVERAGE sample, 20% would be super-hot, another 20% would be pretty/above average, 10% would be average, and 40% would be ugly. If you take an average feminist sample, based on both websites' rosters, 90% are downright unattractive and 10% are passable.


Mr. Mcgranor said...

Feminism is part of the past countercultures attempt to dismantle... The average man lives by their creed everyday.