No doubt that Big Boy Alex and his "fat" friends enjoy the full support of not only JBW, but also DLB, Dr. Biobrain, Capt. Fogg, (O)CT(O)PUS, Repsac3, Tim Gaskill, Truth101, and Libby Spencer! (All of the aformentioned are "followers" and allies of Andrew Sullivan, that paragon of moral virture!)
Oh, recall Perez Hilton saying gay marriage equality is all about family!
I follow Andrew Sullivan?! Where, on Twitter?
How can I possibly support someone I've never heard of, yet alone read. That''s a pretty sweeping statement from a known supporter of Fred Phelps.
I'm just kidding, but you get the idea.
It's the agenda, Tim. You're in lock step with these folks. But I see you're attacking me, and not the "gay values" at your allies' blogs.
No Donald. If I support a gay's right to marry, that puts me in lockstep with people like Meghan McCain and Steve Schmidt, John McCain's top advisor.
It also puts me in line with Log Cabin Republicans. Your ideas on marriage, your disparaging of gays, and your so-called "research" on gay issues has me scratching my head though.
Keep up the good work, mate.
(For the record, I've never liked Andrew Sullivan and I do NOT read his blog.)
That puts you in lockstep with the nihilist gay left-wing, duh, Tim.
All of these folks are your allies. Why do you try to run away?
I'm curious as well: how did I reference this Alexander fellow? I've never heard of the guy (although he certainly appears to be on your gaydar, Don) and you provide no link other than a general one to my site.
And if Tim and I are "in lockstep with the nihilist gay left-wing" then you yourself are in lockstep with white-supremacists and violent homophobes, Don.
Yes, yes, I know you'll say that you're neither racist nor a homophobe but these guys consider themselves conservatives, all of these folks are your allies. You need their votes to win an election, you can't run away from this.
Clicked right through from your sidebar, JBW!
Why are you so enamored of this gay malaysian's site, and why do you keep posting about it everywhere you go, as though it is us--rather than you, yourself--who is fascinated with it?
Bullshit, Don. I've never heard of this guy, I've never seen his site before and I have no links to him at my site. You've obviously either made a mistake or you're a damn liar. Check your sources again.
Repsac3: You mean RawMuscleGlutes?
You've got him on your sidebar, LOL! ReppyBarebackMasterNihilist! ROFLMFAO!!!
I'm no liar, JBW.
I clicked right through, and there it was! I didn't say you linked, you flippy-floppy guy. I said you "referenced" your "phat" or it that "fat," friends...
I'm sure you'll be working on your sidebar now. JBW-BarebackMasterNhilistDenialist!!!
Sometimes you act like a child, Donald.
Grow up.
Oh... I get it now... There's a link on JBW's blog that links to Donald's Gay malaysian blog...
I forgot how prevelant is the guilt by association, round here...
Bet I could link Donald to TxFred the same way... Wonder if that wiould be different, somehow? (Mostly, because it would make it clear just how foolish Donald is acting, today...)
Oh, grow up, Reppy?
Like Andrew "Trig Truther" Sullivan on your blogroll?
Yeah. Right.
P.S. You love you some atheists, in any case, right? To each is own, you know, even Alex and his "phat" friends, eh?
Great gay family values ...
Yeah, that Trig Truther bullshit is at least as foolish as the Obama birthers, and the 911 truthers...
Find me a pundit who's never been wrong about anything... (And explain again why I should only pay attention to ones that are pure, when you so clearly don't set the same rules for yourself. Toesucker Morris as a voice of truth? You must be joking...)
I have no real opinion about atheists, Donald. Other people's religious faith, or lack of it, doesn't really affect me or my faith in any way...
Why do you ask?
As far as gay family values, there are pervs and upstanding folks on both sides of the gay divide, my friend... You can insist on highlighting the sleaziest gay men and women, and then spout off as though every gay person is just the same, or you can try using a little of the critical thinking you keep claiming to have, and treat gay people (and ALL people) as individuals... Plenty of gay folks have family values as strong and moral as your own, professor... ...whether you're willing to admit it or not.
Gay folks are not all cut from the same cloth, either... (Neither are liberals, conservatives, muslims, christians, ...)
"As far as gay family values, there are pervs and upstanding folks on both sides of the gay divide, my friend ..."
Your standard line, Reppy. Doesn't matter the issue: Honor killings, Taliban beheadings, "phat" gay blogger content warnings.
It's all fine with you. No problems ... easy, of course, when everything's morally relativist, or, eh, nihilist.
Is that enough "proof"?
Sorry Don, had to go play some golf for a bit.
So let me get this straight: I have a big letter "A" on my site that links to the Outcampaign, an atheist site that puts my url on their blogrole and does the same of anyone else who puts the "A" link on theirs.
So you went to my sidebar, clicked through to their site, supposedly found this gay Malaysian guy's site listed there amongst thousands of others, and now somehow I therefore "provided the reference" for this guy you have some kind of weird right-wing obsession with? That's stupid reasoning at best and duplicitous libel at worst. Do you allow your students to use this kind of specious argumentation in class?
What's wrong, Don? Are you just being pissy because I upbraided you for promoting your site on my own? Or has the wife been particularly naggy lately? This appears to be another of those "sand in your vagina" moments you're prone to from time to time, isn't it?
Go get yourself some Haggen Dazs and talk to me when you stop PMSing, chief.
Your standard line, Reppy.Only because it's true, my endlessly generalizing adversary. Mush as you wish to paint it otherwise, not all _____ (muslims, libs, cons, christians, Americans, Iraqis, people who disagree with you) are _____ (evil, evil, good, godly, good, evil, evil).
Evil acts like beheadings or honor killings, are not "fine by me"... While you often accuse, you cannot find a single thing I've written defending either act or actor... (I don't even understand your phat gay fatness thing, but it sounds like a personal problem, and I'd prefer you just keep it to yourself...)
But when folks like you are foolish enough to say some fanatical Taliban assholes beheading Americans or our allies are the true face of Muslims, I'm going to call you on it, every time...
You can keep trying to spread the myth that in doing so I'm excusing or condoning the behavior of the fanatical Muslims, but we both know you're smart enough to understand the difference. And so are most of your readers...
No Donald, that is not "enough proof"... Next time, try quoting something I actually said that fits your "extremist" "nihilist" "America-bashing" meme... ...if you can...
JBW: You're a liberal homophobe, you know that right?
There are lots more pages just like that one. Why link to a gay atheist site of you're not into that?
You blog referred me to that atheist site, and I clicked over to that idiot gay Alex's. That's a referral, son.
"You can keep trying to spread the myth that in doing so I'm excusing or condoning the behavior of the fanatical Muslims..."
I never said that, Reppy. I argue that you enable it.
Religion of peace right, and you defend it endlessly, just like your gay licentious friends, who are not fringe at all, but mainstream "family values" gay marriage types.
Man, you're awful...
A friend just e-mailed me about you and JBW:
" ... they are the most disgusting group of human beings I've ever had the displeasure of becoming aware of...that was a mouthful!
I am still amazed at their audacity, and at how they THINK they are so enlightened ..."
People think you're a bad man, Reppy. I don't post every e-mail, but these readers won't comment in the sections, because they know you'll terrorize them and their families with your endlesss support for nihilist terror.
"I never said that, Reppy. I argue that you enable it."
That's even more ridiculous and baseless a charge than suggesting I condone acts of radical muslims. And again, you're smart enough to understand my words and my meaning, though you seem to delight in pretending otherwise...
"Religion of peace right, and you defend it endlessly..."
For many, it is a religion of peace, but for the fundamentalist fanatics, it is misused as a weapon. If you really don't understand what that means, I think Dennis from the other thread, can explain it to you. He and I seem to've shared a moment of clarity, when we agreed that there is a difference between "muslims" and "fundamentalist muslims," and that we both wished that the line between the two wasn't so often drawn with invisible ink, 'round here.
"... just like your gay licentious friends, who are not fringe at all, but mainstream "family values" gay marriage types."
Yeah, I don't even know what that means, Donald. You hate teh immoral, seemingly immortal gays. We get it. There's only a few more years of milage left on that train of thought, before you'll either have to wise up, or look as plum ignorant as those precious few who still mumble under their breath about "givin' the nigras the right to vote" or whatever... If you insist on continuing to drive it, I'd suggest you drive it wisely and well, and enjoy it while you still can...
"A friend just e-mailed me about you and JBW..."
Yes, we all know about the endless stream anonymous friends and fans that for all we know, may or may not live in your head. As long as they refuse to come out of their hidey-holes, their opinion carries no weight with me, and I fail to understand why you insist on citing them as though they actually matter.
If they want to shake their teabags at me or anyone else, they're going to have to come out and speak in the open air, particularly if they wish to have any effect. (If these whispering, whimpering delicate lilies are the folks making up your movement, it's no wonder you folks continue losing.)
For the record, I think they're awful, too. Because, assuming they're not figments of your fevered mind, they're cowards. My opinion, for whatever it's worth... ...which I assume isn't much more than I think their opinion(s)'re worth... Nothin', on a half shell.
Don, I'm obviously a liberal but I'm also obviously not a homophobe, and the fact that you're accusing me of such after what I've read from you is quite laughable, to say the least.
I listen to you conservative douchebags say, "Oh, because I insulted Obama now I'm a racist, right?" yet you leap to the same conclusion when I talk shit about some gay guy. Know thyself, ya?
I identified your gay Malaysian as such because you did the same. I've never heard of the guy, and as such (I know you only simply register "gay" when you hear the words "gay Malaysian atheist") I don't want to be associated with the guy not because he's gay or even Malaysian, but rather because I DON'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT THE GUY. Maybe he's a child-molester, maybe he's a wife beater, I have no idea because he's some guy I've never heard of or read. Just because I link to a site with his url on it does not mean that I endorse or otherwise "reference" him but you obviously have no problems making those kinds of associations on your site.
I know you have a problem with gay people: everyone here knows that you have a problem with gay people. I'm not going to placate you by saying that it's alright because I know that you realize that it isn't but butt sex can't be scaring you this badly, guy.
Your leaps of logic here are less logical than normal (and those are extremely less than logical). The Outcampaign's site is obviously not gay-oriented to anyone who isn't a homophobe but I reserve judgement for people like yourself. Your dick-centered fantasy that linking from my site to another which links again to another site and therefore forces dick into your face is your own right-wing, closeted fairy tale.
And one more thing: never call me "son" again. Ever. I'm serious.
JBW: You're the biggest pussy that's commented at this blog, LOFL!
All fluffed up and fake, like an old beaten down rooster who's still got a few tail feathers left. You couldn't argue your way out of a jam if your life depended on it. I could care less about Alex the gay. This whole post was to game and goad you, and boy did it work.
You've been played, kid. Now go bugger yourself off somewhere else before you get hurt.
Donald, I think you rely on us (JBW, repsac, etc.) to drive traffic to your site. When we stay away, I see your comments hover in the 0, 2, maybe 5 range. When we get going, though, 20, even 30 comments is not unheard of.
You are welcome.
For the record, these guys have a heart and soul. I could care less that some of your other readers tattle and say how much we scare them. Good. They need it, as they've lived with their fairy-god, Rush-Limbaugh blinders too long. Says I, a mean-spirtited, deranged, morally bankrupt lefty.
Look, we know you will "align" us with every left-wing nut out there. That's fine. I get it. I do it to you all the time. The similarity is this: I think the mAnn Coulters of this world merely expresses in print the hatred that exists in *today's* conservative heart. You believe that the Bill Mahers/Garofalos express the hatred that is in the heart of every liberal. So, where does that get us? I can tell you one thing, while you are pouring over dry, stale conservative ideas that have been shot to hell, we are at least having a good laugh on our side. A pity your lot isn't. But that's just the way it is. We are all hypocrites, Donald. And if I ever get a tattoo, a nice big H is where I would start. We should all just own our hypocrisy, because we can't escape it, after all.
Oh, and before I forget. It's about the hypocrisy meme that you foist. We don't have to look far to find some of your own stunning examples. For example, your unrequited bromance with Mel Gibson, a person who is noted for the following things you despise: philandering and anti-semitism. But you cut him a deal, I take it, because he made a Jesus film. Well, Mel is part of an obscure bible cult that is so off kilter even the Catholic church is afraid of it. Oh, and Mel's dad was a noted racist and anti-semite. Answer the charge, Donald.
(For me, I know that Mel Gibson has made some great movies, I just don't like the person. If I based every artistic choice on the moral fiber of the artist, I would never watch a movie, TV, read a book or look at art. Does this make me a hypocrite? I don't set myself up in the same way, Donald. So, no.)
Bottom line, you can call us all names. Accuse us of all kinds of mischief and idiocy. That is your right. But know that words don't physically hurt, but they can bear scars. I think we are pretty tough here, and I will ultimately stand up for most people on your little blog and sometimes even defend them.
But would they do the same?
All fluffed up and fake---
If that whole last comment ain't chock full of projection, I don't know what is...
I think it's just precious when Donald blows himself up by his ...rooster... and plays all manly and tough, as though he's actually the military rough'n'tumble hero he wishes he was, rather than the perfectly noble, but not so heroic college professor he actually is...
Wow. You got me, Don. You wrote a lie about me and I defended myself because it obviously wasn't true. That was a Hannibal Lecter-level mind-game you hatched there.
Me, falling over dead...
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