Monday, January 4, 2010

Andrew Sullivan's Desperate, Stupid Photo-Smear Allegations

Glenn Reynolds has been absolutely hammering Andrew Sullivan lately. So what's a leftist to do? When all else fails, slap down the race card. Here's the Google blog search link, "Photo-Smearing Obama."

Or, check out Nice Deb:

Okay, what the heck?

Andrew Sullivan has has figured out how to turn this into a race issue, somehow?:

I tried to puzzle this one out and can just about see how an elusive photo of a tired Obama reacting to something unknowable might make him look tired or arrogant or something.

And then I realized why this photo immediately strikes some people are damning. Obama is a black man who looks as if he is condescending to a white man. That’s political gold.

Oh dear God! He deploys the overused race card, instead of noting the obvious – it’s Sunday, a slow news day. People need crap to blog about. Obama’s sour puss is as good as anything else out there.

I think it was Ann Coulter who recently said, that when it comes to Democrats and race relations, it’s perennially 1964.

I wrote about the Obama-Biden photograph yesterday. Race never came to mind. Arrogance did. But it's VERBOTEN to criticize Der Fuehrer, so out come the leftist stormtroopers.

For example:

* Demonic Ridicule Machine, "Law School Applications Take a Precipitous Drop."

* Lawyers, Gays and Marriage, "
Things Can Always Get Crazier."

* The Reaction, "
The Obama-Biden photo idiotically deconstructed 'round the conservative blogosphere."

* Roy Edroso, "


Cuffy Miegs said...

1964? The Democrats have been a race-baiting party since 1864.

We fought a war to break them of the habit, yet still they persist. So I don't expect reasoned argument to do much good.

Dennis said...

It is almost always the closet racist who sees racism everywhere. To deflect from that closet racism they continually throw stones at others hoping that no one notices their fascination with race and their racist tendencies.
Not unlike 1864, many who would populate the "Liberal Plantation" still see themselves as protecting the slaves by maintaining slavery in the guise of government dependency and convincing the slaves that they need the overseers to prosper.
What else can you call it when you believe as the Left does that groups of individuals lack the wherewithal to attain success on their own abilities. One never gains true freedom until they are allowed to fail or succeed on their own merits. Challenges and failures are what lead to ultimate success and learning how to be all one can be.
I dislike Clinton and Obama for the same reasons, their fecklessness and ideas, but unlike the left, I do not wish to see them die. It is hard to see people and their ideas go down to defeat if they are dead. They need to know their ideas were soundly rejected.

Anonymous said...

It's horrifying to see how pathetic Sullivan has become. The spectacle of his and Charles Johnson's meltdowns are as dreadful as The Picture of Dorian Grey.

shoprat said...

sadly six, seven, eight years ago I used to enjoy reading his Daily Dish until he just suddenly during the 04 election did a 180 on us. He just snapped his cap and hasn't put it back on.

I guess he realized he'd make more money writing as a "progressive."