Friday, March 4, 2011

Bring Bush! Libyan Rebels Beg U.S. to Bomb Muammar Gaddafi

At Pamela's, "Libyan Protesters Beg for Bush: 'Bring Bush!'":

Has Katie Couric bit off her tongue yet? Not to worry, the jihadists she so enthusiastically defends and abets will do it soon enough.

Just as the world is undergoing a seismic shift in the arab regimes and dictatorships, the American media landscape is desperately in need of a revolution. The old media must be overthrown.

You'll notice that Reuters buried the lede.

"Bring Bush! Make a no fly zone, bomb the planes," shouted soldiers

Imagine that. Ayatollah Obama has achieved what would have been thought to be impossible: worldwide calls for the return of George Bush. They pleaded for Bush in Iran, too, when they were being slaughtered in the street while Obama ....... ate ice cream.


Dennis said...

This would be funny if it was not such an indictment of the Obama administration and Obama himself.
Increasingly Obama does look like the "Where is Waldo" president. Obama is beginning to make Jimmy Carter, a man I voted for and still cringe at the thought, look good. Though for once in his life Obama graciously decided that he was not going to settle the NFL dispute. Isn't it wonderful to have a president that has time for so many things except what his job requires?
It is getting to the point that I cannot bring myself to capitalize the word president for to do so would denote someone who actually "leads" and represents the values of this nation.
It is hard to respect someone who is suppose to represent this nation who has little respect for it and its people. It is somewhat like giving respect to a feminist who calls you names and would like to see you dead because you happen to be a male.

Mr. Mcgranor said...

This is rediculous and a tragedy. Where is the assistance from their Arab neighbors? I say no--no more nation building in the Mid-east. Let them build themselves.