Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wisconsin Protesters Retake Capitol!

Remember, as I noted previously, it's an occupation, not a sleepover.

So yeah, get this. At Gateway Pundit, "
LEFTIST FREAK OUT!… Wisconsin Loons Lock Capitol Doors." Following the links there takes you to Ann Althouse, but she's updated with video from the scene, "Meade's video of the scene at the Capitol tonight":

I'll have updates later today.

Meanwhile, I'm still not convinced that progressive unrest is having an upside for the Democrats. We'll see? For now though, Nate Silver has this, "
Wisconsin Dispute Could Mobilize Democratic Base."


Dennis said...

I have to admit that I somewhat enjoy the fact that these protesters are acting like the mob that they are. Voters need to see what public unions are comprised and the damage they will do to the people's property. If anyone wanted to know what fascism looks like they have a perfect example.
I suspect when this is over the unions would have jumped the shark and those who stood talk against the "mob" will gain prestige.
Every other state needs to put an end to public unions. This is what we have to look forward to if we do not drive a stake into the heart of this fascism and mob attempt to rule by threat. If election can be thwarted in this manner then we all lose our right to be represented by those we chose.
The days of the bumper sticker that stated, "If you can read this thank a teacher" are over. When I can find one graduate from high school, and many colleges and universities, that can actually make change, or know this country's history, et al then I might thank a teacher. If you are going to take credit for the successes then you are going to have to take credit for the significant amount of failure that is the education system in this country. We have a perfect example here of how much teachers care about their students.
I feel so sorry for these young people because about the only thing they have learned is feeling good about being uneducated.
The police have not made themselves look too good as well.