Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sarah Palin Rallies Madison Tea Party! — VIDEO ADDED!!

No doubt today's big story is Sarah Palin in Wisconsin.

The Right Scoop has video, "Sarah Palin to Obama: You ignored us in 2010, but you cannot ignore us in 2012!" (via Memeorandum). Also, at Gateway Pundit, "SARAH PALIN – ANDREW BREITBART Join Thousands of Patriots at Madison Tea Party (Live on UStream) …Update: Thugs Heckle Sarah Palin …Update: Sarah to Obama, “Mr. President, Game On!”"

Ann Althouse has lots of coverage and is still working on uploads. Here's this from her coverage so far, "'Tea Party: How About a Nice Cup of... SHUT THE F@*K UP!'":

Althouse Palin Madison

I'll update with a YouTube clip when that becomes available, as well as any other cases of progressive thuggery --- which shouldn't take long, actually.

Okay, here's the video, via Gateway Pundit (more from Althouse later):


Anonymous said...

Excellent speech, We love Sarah Palin, she is truly a leader. God bless you all, great job, keep up the fight, move forward and tune out the poor, sad liberals, who'se party has been taken over by the socialist/progressive/communist movement.