Sunday, March 8, 2009

Conservative Grassroots Organizing

As Tom Blumer points out this afternoon, the media's giving very little coverage to the dramatic "tea party" protests taking place around the country.

While the Orange County Register covered yesterday's
tax protest in Fullerton (with a crowd of 8,000 activists), you have to read conservative blogs like Michelle Malkin, Nice Deb, and Skye's Midnight Blue to really appreciate what's happening nationwide.

The size of the Fullerton rally
caught some people off guard, but others see an opportunity:

I think we may have a movement here ... If we’re going to fix things, it’s got to start at the grass roots. The tea parties springing up across the country are an encouraging sign. And the Fullerton event appears to be the biggest yet in a growing popular backlash.
The backlash needs nurturing, as this letter from a reader at Right Wing News indicates:

Conservatives have historically been busy raising their families, working on careers, participating in religious activities and devoting the little free time they have to charitable works. We are not community organizers, agitators or activists. While we have been toiling with everyday life, expecting our elected officials to be doing the work we elected them to do, our liberal "friends" have been busy co-opting virtually every aspect of our lives--not just the obvious ones, like education and environment, but even going so far as to infiltrate and influence the policies of our churches and synagogues.

Anyone who pays attention to the news can see what is happening: our liberties, our savings, our values, our way of life are all being eroded at warp speed by the liberal juggernaut.

We can no longer sit back and hope the work is being done by others. To fight these fights on local, state and federal levels, we have to network with one another (young, old, retired, working, black, white, Christian, Jew - you get my drift), take on these issues and fight to restore our American Republic, which is fading with each passing day.

If we do not get involved, we are complicit in all the Obama Machine engenders.


AmPowerBlog said...

I'm going to go look that up right now ... thanks Philippe.

Righty64 said...

Actually, my local newspaper, the Pasadena Star-News had a FRONT page story on the protest. I am not a big John & Ken fan, but they are spot on with this issue. However, as I pointed out, there is no point in trying to recall Gov. Benedict Arnold. He is termed-out. The GOP has a couple of good candidates that look to be running. Insurance Commissioner Poizner and E-Bay founder Meg Whitman. I would like to see Bill Simon take another crack at it. I have no problem in going after the GOP assemblymen and senators that buckled and agreed to the worst tax hike in California history. This is a great sign of a conservative comeback in this state.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks Mark!

Trish said...

We are meeting with a whole lot of total strangers this Friday for Beck's next installment of "We Surround Them". We hope to exchange information and ideas, so as to get this grass roots movement growing bigger and stronger!