When I started the series I noted my interest in "dissecting and challenging radical, antiwar bloggers." I'd expand the criteria now to include the plain old nihilism we see all around.
Which brings me to Sadly No!, one of the most predictably stupid blogs on the web.
I thought about Sadly No! when R. Stanton Scott starting trolling around at my eminently popular post this weekend, "Mainstream Bigotry and Racism on the Democratic-Left." That entry brought out all the lefty airheads, and Sadly No! linked with an unintelligible post, "Creep Learning Curve," which includes this line: "Larry Elder! Thomas Sowell! Bill Cosby! Star Parker! Does the Left have an equivalent roster of genuine African-American scolds who so tirelessly browbeat blacks as a class with such naked relish?"
Well it turns out that Sadly No! spends a good amount of time doing "brilliant" satire against black conservatives, as is abundantly clear in the exquisitely tasteful Photoshop above, available at "The Awful Rowing Toward Godwin." The reference is to "Godwin's Law," which admonishes against Hitler comparisons. Sowell's essay this week suggests we compare our smooth talking Obamessiah with another great orator from the interwar period. It's not an unreasonable comparison, although Sadly No! takes exception. Ain't that Photoshop just dandy? William Buckly in the crapper? And there's Thomas Sowell as "Uncle Ben the Janitor" opening up the lid no doubt with some "whitening" scouring powder to de-Nazify that commode.
I've been linked up at Sadly No! plenty of times. Those satirical intellectual giants "scour" the Internet for posts and pics of the conservative blogger du jour, and viola! Snark City Rollers! You name 'em: Pamela Geller. Rick Moran. Betsy Newmark. John Hinderaker. Beware, nobody - I mean nobody! - escapes the crack investigative skills of the Cruising Clouseau Clowns of the web!
Even my friend Mary Grabar came in for a drubbing.
While exchanging e-mails, Mary suggested to me, "Yeah, those idiots know how to use Photoshop, but not much else."
But hey, c'mon, these guys are good! Look at William Buckley up there! He needs hims some scourin' powda' up on dem 'dere teeth, nah. The Dem'crats' Little Black Sambo puts 'eem to shame!
Oh, wait! I almost forgot! Leftists are the paragons of racial propriety! It's really the Republithugs who can't, for the life of them, scrape the stain of Lee Atwater from their hands! That's right! Only the "evil" conservatives could have the, er, balls to market Barack Obama presidential dildos! You see, those "malevolent" GOPers have no values whatsover. Totally bereft of human decency - they expect people to work, aahhhh!!!
The sad thing is that I bet TBogg, Sadly No! and all the other humorless idiots on the left are the ones to get the big hit counters. There are plenty of moderate left and full leftist who make perfectly coherent arguments, but don't get visited.
Mindlessness tends to get attention more and more these days. Case in point, Wanda Sykes.
Donald, you seriously found that Sadly No post to be unintelligible? Writing that was a much bigger insult to your intelligence than anything they wrote. And I, for one, happened to think that post was absolutely hilarious and totally spot-on. Your assignment for this evening is to continue to re-read it until you finally grasp what they meant. It wasn't even very subtle.
And once again, you linked to me without any purpose. I'm not sure what Lee Atwater or not expecting people to work had to do with my posts, though I'm guessing you found them to be as unintelligible as the Sadly No post. But you didn't link me to presidential dildos, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much. I'm hoping you weren't insinuating anything when you placed that between my two links; as I really don't swing that way. Thanks, but no thanks.
And speaking of which, I was greatly disturbed by the Obama dildo and can't imagine what I was thinking when I clicked through. I'm afraid West Coast life is really lowering your threshhold for the perverse, Donald. Those of us in Real America are a little more easily shocked than those of you in Calipornia.
just pisses me off to go to those sites so I don't. They have nothing I want to hear or do not expect. I am very closed minded when it comes to the far left. They are going to self destuct and then I will watch.
Thanks Jordan!
Dr. Hussein "Arlon" Biobrain:
To give Sadly No! a pass is, frankly, is one of the more bothersome episodes I've ever had with you. Thomas Sowell de-Nazifying a toilet is really digging to the depths. But it's all "satire" to you...
Thank you for devoting a post to our Photoshop skills, DD! It also is very magnanimous of you to name us 'one of the most predictably stupid blogs on the web' ... as political rivals, we often butt heads, but it is nice to see that you do genuinely value our small contributions to the discourse.
Rest assured, we find your own musings to be superlative in a number of ways, as well.
The one good thing about sites on the Left that Photoshop is that they demonstrate that no photography from the Left can be trusted.
If you think this is "hilarious," then you are caught up in pointless hate. I “hope” you and the rest of the lefties can work your way out of your desperation.
Donald, I gave Sadly No a "pass" for what? Did they do something offensive? Please explain what it was, because I'm not getting it.
Sadly No was mocking Sowell for linking Obama to Hitler, which was particularly funny, as Sowell seemed to be saying that Obama's empathy could lead us to Nazism...or something like that. And so Gavin's line "You know who had empathy? Hitler, that’s who" was excellent mockery of Sowell's piece and I got a good laugh out of it. Did you have some other interpretation of this? You seem to be acting as if Sadly No accused Buckley of being a Nazi, or something; and that's clearly mistaken.
As for the picture, the meaning of that was less clear. But I'd guess it had something to do with Sowell being a token black used to mask the filth that Buckley spewed out; seeing as how Sowell was writing in the National Review. I personally didn't think it was super funny, but I fail to see how it was offensive.
Now, if you don't think this is funny, that's fine. Tastes vary. But it's quite obvious that you didn't understand the jokes, so you invented a racist interpretation in order to attack them. And that's just sad.
And for god's sake, could you please stop putting the word "satire" in quotes? It only calls attention to the fact that you don't know what satire is. How embarrassing.
Democrats have had a lot of practice demonizing and terrorizing black Americans they don't like, as well as the ones they pretend to like publicly.
After all, they have been doing it since they first formed the KKK.
Dave - Have you looked at one of those Red State - Blue State maps lately? I mean, like within the last fifty years? Because if you did, you'd find that the areas of the country in which the Klan has their strongest presence are now in the Republican parts of the country. And the places where Democrats do best are generally not so Klan friendly.
And yes, I know. This can all be a bit bewildering if one has lived under a rock for the past few decades and hasn't been keeping up with the latest political trends, but you see, there was this sort of switch that started happening when Democrats began embracing civil rights in the 1960's, which continued on into the 1990's and even into the current decade. And this switch consisted of all the racists leaving the Democratic Party and congregating in the Republican Party. And as that happened, many liberal and moderate Republicans started looking around at the intolerant bigots that were surrounding them, and decided to leave the party to join up with the Democrats. And that's a trend that continues to take place and explains why our current president is a Democrat who soundly defeated the Republican, who couuld only do well in the more Klanie parts of the country.
And so in short, yes, the Klan was started by people who were in the Democratic Party, but folks who are sympathetic with those bigots are now firmly entrenched in the Republican Party. I know it's a bit confusing that the party names stayed the same and everything, but that's how it goes. And I'm sorry that you weren't informed of this in the cave that you must obviously reside in, but that's how the political world currently is. And so if you're as upset at paling around with Klansmen as you seemed to be when you thought they were Democrats, I suggest you jump the aisle and join the rest of us anti-Klan people. But then again, your anti-PC avatar suggests that you might be in the right party after all.
And thus ends today's lesson in "satire." Donald, I hope you were taking notes. There will be a quiz after all this is over.
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