Friday, April 2, 2010

Founding Bloggers!

See, "Founding Bloggers on The Daily Show":


Cuffy Meigs said...

When Jon Stewart is trying to raise the bar on civil discourse, you know things have gotten pretty bad.

Rusty Walker said...

I enjoyed seeing Jon Stewart debate Bill O'Reilly last month on Fox. I haven't found Stewart to be dismissive of a view just because it might be unpopular with his leftist friends; I think he tends to think issues through. This video is appreciated as a call to his own for the sanity of thought-before-action that can be applied to all of us.

By the way, that self-important white guy with the white mustache shown a few times on your featured videos "isn't helping" his cause either. Understatement, I know, but his menacing kind can ruin an event supporting an American cause on either side. He is certain to find out soon enough, his tough-guy antics will result in someone bigger and tougher taking him down, to the disgrace of all involved - gotta keep it civil to make a point.