Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Yet More Union Thuggery: Wisconsin State Senator Glenn Grothman Trapped by Mob at Capitol Grounds

At Say Anything, "Wisconsin Protesters Mob Republican Legislator, Block His Entrance to The Capitol" (via Instapundit):

This all over
Memeorandum, for example, at Gateway Pundit and Michelle's, "Mob rule video: Uhinged crowd corners Wisconsin GOP senator shouting “F**k you,” “Shame!”":

I got bad chills up and down my spine watching this group of crazed, pro-union Madison thugs gang up on a lone conservative in a public space just trying to do his job.

Been there, done that. It’s no fun.

Mass. Democrat Rep. Michael Capuano’s words “Get a little bloody” echoed in my mind like a soundtrack while watching the video clip.

The scene: The Madison, WI state capitol grounds.

The target: Wisconsin state Republican Sen. Glenn Grothman.

The mobsters: Anti-Scott Walker agitators shouting “Shame! Shame! Shame F***k you! F***k you!” while beating their tribal drums, blowing their horns, and hounding Sen. Grothman into an alcove.

First, they back him up on the side of a building, chase him across the lawn, and then corner him.

Sick to my stomach.


Dennis said...

One wonders how many of these people are union members and not "astrturf" bused in by the union. Though it is not hard to remember that this is typical union tactics.
I used to be amazed at the people who said that a Hitler, Stalin, and anti American violence could not happen here. We could never become like the Germans, Japanese, et al. One only had to look at our unions to see demonstrated the fact that it can happen here. When one excepts this kind of violence against other Americans no matter what the reason then IT CAN HAPPEN HERE.
Scratch a union boss and what one finds is a hater, dictator and a person who will go to any means to attain power. "Getting a little bloody" is typical of these people. They cannot even keep the charade going when the cameras are rolling. One wonders what they would have done if there were no cameras rolling?