Sunday, July 12, 2009

Call to Jihad: 'Why Are We Sitting Around in America, Doing Nothing for Our People?'

From the New York Times, "A Call to Jihad From Somalia, Answered in the U.S.":

The Carlson School of Management rises from the asphalt like a monument to capitalist ambition. Stock prices race across an electronic ticker near a sleek entrance and the atrium soars skyward, as if lifting the aspirations of its students. The school’s plucky motto is “Nowhere but here.”

For a group of students who often met at the school, on the University of Minnesota campus, those words seemed especially fitting. They had fled Somalia as small boys, escaping a catastrophic civil war. They came of age as refugees in Minneapolis, embracing basketball and the prom, hip-hop and the Mall of America. By the time they reached college, their dreams seemed within grasp: one planned to become a doctor; another, an entrepreneur.

But last year, in a study room on the first floor of Carlson, the men turned their energies to a different enterprise.

“Why are we sitting around in America, doing nothing for our people?” one of the men, Mohamoud Hassan, a skinny 23-year-old engineering major, pressed his friends.

In November, Mr. Hassan and two other students dropped out of college and left for Somalia, the homeland they barely knew. Word soon spread that they had joined the Shabaab, a militant Islamist group aligned with Al Qaeda that is fighting to overthrow the fragile Somali government.

The students are among more than 20 young Americans who are the focus of what may be the most significant domestic terrorism investigation since Sept. 11. One of the men, Shirwa Ahmed, blew himself up in Somalia in October, becoming the first known American suicide bomber. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert M. Mueller, has said Mr. Ahmed was “radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota.”

An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with close friends and relatives of the men, law enforcement officials and lawyers, as well as access to live phone calls and Facebook messages between the men and their friends in the United States, reveals how a far-flung jihadist movement found a foothold in America’s heartland.

The men appear to have been motivated by a complex mix of politics and faith, and their communications show how some are trying to recruit other young Americans to their cause.
Read the whole thing at the link.

Video Hat Tip: Atlas Shrugs, "
Holder Leaning Towards Appointing Torture Prosecutor."

See also, the Washington Post, "
Probe of Alleged Torture Weighed" (via Memeorandum).


Jan said...

Dr. is hard to imagine that people in this country are so naive as to believe that something like that can never happen here. Unless God intervenes in a very big way, it, inevitably, will.

I don't know what they think that Islam is all about, but it certainly is not about love and harmony among all people and faiths. They have one goal, and that is to see the entire world converted to Islam, and the implementation of Sharia law.

The sad, and most frightening thing of all is, that even after they have received the blessings that this country has offered them, they can so readily turn their backs on it, plotting the destruction of all its people.

To try to understand it, is beyond all human reasoning.

Reliapundit said...




AmPowerBlog said...

It is beyond reason, Jan. And it's especially depressing that Obama plays moral equivalence between our values and those of our enemies.

Thanks for commenting!

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for commenting, Reliapundit!

Tim said...

So, what's the solution to "the Muslim problem" Donald?

Rusty Walker said...

This video is an effective counterpoint to the false moral equivalencies Obama insists upon.

This was extremely difficult to watch and I have seen some very bloody deaths in my life. Witness the calm and cold beheading in front of thousands of sympathetic Islamics: Why have the non-fundamentalists never spoken out against the terrorist acts? It is because they sympathize.

This is the pure evil that Obama is incapable of seeing. We are strengthening their resolve the longer Obama is in office. Obama’s platitudes continue as he considers himself divinely sent to give condescending sermons on the mount. The world is getting hotter; but, not global warming. Once nuclear capability is finalized in Iran and NK they will not fail to use it, or sell it for use to these same terrorists. Meanwhile the Obama administration has no foreign policy except the Chosen One issuing ineffective platitudes for cheap applause.

LFC said...

Did you even skim the NYT article? Your comments suggest that you didn't. The article is primarily about jihadist activities in Somalia and the 20 or so young men from Minnesota who have gone (back) there; I believe there is no reference in the article to these young men "plotting the destruction of all its [the U.S.'s} people." Indeed, one of them is quoted as saying that he wouldn't attack the U.S. b/c his mother might be walking down the street. I'm not saying the article isn't disturbing or that the FBI should not be investigating, but your comments misrepresent the piece.