Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palin in 2012!

From Pamela Geller, "Palin in 2012!":

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska announced yesterday that she is resigning and will not seek a second term as governor. Many conservatives are characterizing this as an abdication of responsibility and a failure of will. Quin Hillyer wrote in the American Spectator that "Sarah Palin's resignation is an appalling dereliction of duty and a highly cynical move to set herself up for a presidential run for which she is manifestly unqualified."

I vehemently disagree. She did not quit. From what I saw of her speech before Fox inexplicably cut it off (after seven days of wall-to-wall Michael Jackson coverage), this is not a woman who is retiring or "cutting and running," as Hillyer put it. She is getting into the fight to save America. Palin committed herself to fighting "for our state and our country, and campaign(ing) for those who believe in smaller government, free enterprise, strong national security, support for our troops and energy independence." Obama's treasonous presidency has made this struggle necessary. Palin, like all patriotic Americans, is shocked by what is happening. Obama is destroying this country. She knows it. We all know it. We need a leader.

Palin is that leader. On Friday she assumed the mantle. She delivered a campaign speech. She spoke on the eve of Independence Day about the sacrifices great Americans have made, and what our Founding Fathers fought and died for. Without naming Obama, she went after his disastrous policies, saying that "living beyond our means today is irresponsible for tomorrow," and noting that as governor she had "vetoed debt-ridden stimulus dollars." She believes in and wants to fight for free enterprise, small government and national security.
Read the whole thing at the link.

I'm still thinking 2016. And so is Victor Davis Hanson, "Writing Sarah Off."


Sarge Charlie said...

I regret that she stepped down but knew when I was listining to ths speach that some bastard would do what this jerk did.

Z said...

Thank you, Douglas. I had the same feeling you did as I listened. Of course, the leftwingers were already into the "..this is political suicide" mode; exactly what they are hoping for.

Many on both sides are saying they are still not sure why she quit and what she'll be doing: Then they just plain weren't LISTENING.

Happy Fourth to a fellow Californian who teaches not as a leftwinger in California's schools and for which I'm so grateful!

Tim said...

Palin is a quitter. This is what she does. She quit college, another political office, and now this.

It is my sincere hope that many more republicans follow her example, and display the same "grit and fortitude" that she has done throughout her career. She can win races, but she loses battles. And that, my friends, speaks volumes.

Imagine the Clintons caving like this, when they were under FAR more intense hatred, scrutiny and political machinations in their career. My respect for the Clintons has just gone up.

Donald Joy said...

"Who is Sarah Galt?"

Palin is "going Galt" for now, to deprive the criminals in power of some of the very life-force which they require to operate; which they so rapaciously usurp and abuse; which they hold in such contempt and attack even as they crave and covet it for their own corrupt engines and purposes...she is going Galt in order that, eventually, the nation desperately cries out for her influence and active return to the fore, by that time as an electorate and apparatus that much more willing to cooperate and heed her ideas and proscriptions.

Ayn Rand foresaw all of this.

Rich Casebolt said...

Tim ... you are as clueless as Tarleton at Cowpens. You can't tell the difference between a tactical retreat, and a rout.