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Via Michelle Malkin and This Ain't Hell (and Memeorandum), check out Gathering of Eagles - NY, "AAR – MoveOn and Acorn Meet Patriots":
Patriots from the Conservative Society for Action, Gathering of Eagles, Active and the 912 Group rallied in front of the offices of Senator Charles Schumer to counter the staged pro-nationalized healthcare rally planned by and ACORN.
The first moonbats arrived and almost immediately called the police because they hate free speech and any opposition to their agenda. One of their old biddies called me a racist for opposing health care for illegal immigrants. Unfortunately for them the first amendment is still enforced in this country and the police would not interfere with our counter protest.
Things went downhill for the Soros stooges from there ....
Michelle notes of the growing conservative protest movement:
You won’t see these on the front page of the New York Times. But it’s happening more often than you think — and it’s all the more remarkable and newsworthy given that most Tea Party folks, unlike the Soros-funded astroturf protest mobsters, have full-time jobs and families ...
Check Gathering of Eagles for more pictures.
Just perhaps there is hope for our once fair republic yet.
I was there … and it was a sight to behold.
I’m sure that the MoveOn/Acorn bunch felt a little uncomfortable in the face of a large group that was not going to let them get by with just spouting off their talking points without challenge.
And -- while no violence ensued from either side -- challenge was the order of the day, directly by voice and indirectly via signage.
Of course, when I told them that they were hypocrites for decrying the PATRIOT Act while being more than willing to sign up for a program that would be far, far more invasive to their privacy and threatening to their civil liberties than W’s handiwork … it went right over their heads.
But they definitely felt the heat, and MovedOn out of there around 12:30. We stayed until about 1:00.
(WARNING: homely content) I also was able to break out my guitar and lay down a little background music that the patriots, at least, appreciated … and hopefully, will get the opposition thinking, if they paid attention.
Here’s the lyrics I used … it’s called TO GET AHEAD:
I once listened to experts who said to me
that livin’ large would be so easy
Go buy that McMansion with zero down
Grab this credit card and burn up the town
But when bills came due, and ’twas time to sell
Those bums had led me to financial Hell
They get bailouts, I’m left in the red
Misleading me about my ri–ii–ight
To get ahead.
Now we’re led by experts who’d “guarantee”
My “right” to get by irresponsibly
Get drunk get stoned get high on crack
And jump with anyone into the sack
And then go see the doc for “free”
To cure that hangover and STD
Pick up a check and go back to bed
All they ask is my ri–ii–ight
To get ahead
But history’s led me to a better view
Responsibility starts with me and you
No one but you can take your place
in solving most of the problems that you will face
And if we need to, we can help each other
Without the gov. acting like our mother
Everything is better, the truth be said
When we protect our ri–ii–ight
To get ahead.
This is why I’m here, you see
It’s about a lot more than dumpin’ tea
It’s about the lie that’s led to hurt
That life should be left to only trained experts
Instead of pourin’ money down’ their ratholes
The ordinary people now will take control
Government is best when it’s limited
so it simply protects our ri–ii–ight
To get ahead.
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