Big Hollywood has the story, "EXCLUSIVE: Carrie Prejean Takes Legal Action Against Miss California USA Officials." (Via Memeorandum.)
Ms. Prejean's attorneys have issued a statement:
“Over the past two months we have worked hard to provide overwhelming evidence that Carrie Prejean did not violate her contract with Miss California USA and did not deserve to have her title revoked by Keith Lewis. We will make the case that her title was taken from her solely because of her support of traditional marriage. Keith Lewis has refused to clear her good name or even to admit any wrongdoing. Therefore, Carrie Prejean is left with no alternative but to take her case to court where she expects to be fully vindicated.”I wrote a Pajamas essay on Ms. Prejean back in June: "Miss California Carrie Prejean’s Odyssey: Not Very Pretty." There's clear evidence that pageant officials had a de facto "gay loyalty oath" for contestants. Interestingly, Perez Hilton was demonstrably shocked when Ms. Prejean stated her firmly-held view that "marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised." Indeed, recall the video showed Perez Hilton both embarrassed and perturbed at the then-Miss California's response.
What was always inexplicable to me was why a prick like Perez (Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr.) Hilton would be selected as judge for the event in the first place. If the sole credentials are being a scumbucket gossip sleazebag, then Miss USA sure got their man.
More at Memeorandum.
UPDATE: Gateway Pundit links, "Good. Carrie Prejean Sues Miss California For Religious Discrimination ...Update: Perez Hilton's Disgusting Response."
You know it's not his fantasy, it's just his obsession. He is the number 1 symptom of what is wrong with America.
Thanks Shoprat!
Perez Hilton is probably a genetically retarded person.
"probably"?? LOL!
Perez Hilton is the perfect example as to why homosexual behavior leads to other excesses.
Thank you Miss California for standing up for God, medicine, society and decency.
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